Open letter to #BBATHECHASE from 'Imo state youths' concerning promoting sexual immorality amongst Nigerian youths

I urge and plead with All Africa Youths, let's ask DSTV to give Us a BBA where Africa Youths go and discuss, profer solution to solve Africa's Problems not this morally loosed show where single parents who can't keep their relationships go into the house to show their fallen breast, drug addicts, porn stars , ill mannered people mix up and get rewarded. Ha! Having sex in the public with somebody who is not your spouse? God have mercy ! The demon of sexual immorality has etched its ugly head into the show, hence the next sane option is to nip the programme in the bud.
The BBA is all about immoral behaviour and that is why it attracts lots of fans. They even prefer open sex every day. There is no single thing to learn from the programme, they just promote sex and immorality. It's time we ignore it & speak up against it, for what it's worth.
How long does it take to imbibe a habit? 21 days; and BBA runs for 90days, subtly making people addicts to bad habits. Say No to TV shows without value. Reality shows with immorality is a No No!!!!!!

Credits to Ndidi Amaka


3 Responses to “Open letter to #BBATHECHASE from 'Imo state youths' concerning promoting sexual immorality amongst Nigerian youths”

  1. JOSEPH MIRACLE21 June 2013 at 11:23

    WHAT IS BBA ALL ABOUT? Is it just for the fame and money? The future of the African youth is seriously on the balance. Imagining how myopic this so-called tomorrow’s leaders and potential fathers and mothers can be. It’s a pity DSTV do not care about morals & African ideals she’s just after her money (subscriptions, adverts & sponsorships). WHAT A WASTE.

  2. The Imo Youth that were march are begging for recognition as DSTV is not responsible for moral decadent that permeate social strata in the state where all what they can produce in their is baby factory. Who is responsible for putting young girls in the family if not these youths and some elderly one that are marching. Let them go to Imo State Broadcasting Corporation to start professing solution to the state problem. By will be mature enough to come out for national discourse. By extension qualify, to undoing what Dr. Kwanme Nkuruma of Ghana cannot conclusion before he died.


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